Alex 12th October 2021

All the many beautiful facets to my big brother George must make me the luckiest sister in the world. There’s George the Worker, the Doer, the Fixer: He never shirked, never procrastinated. He was like a dog with a bone until he was fully satisfied that he had made a good job of the task in hand. No half measures for our Georgio. Like when he was George the Cook: He did not spare himself in the kitchen. His magnificent feasts and generous hospitality are legendary. With meticulous attention to detail he would start preparations days in advance, his excitement growing with every task. He would hunt around the shops, selecting only the best ingredients for his guests. Then he would set about delicately chopping, cutting, straining, slicing, sniffing, tasting every morsel until it was just so - perfect. And then there’s After Dinner George: Doing the rounds, attending to guests’ needs, acting the fool, cracking jokes and sharing funny experiences. He loved laughing, and his laughter was infectious. He would sometimes sneak out of the room, only to reappear wearing one of his fancy-dress costumes - complete with matching hat of course. In no time, his antics would have everybody reduced to histerical giggles, like a bunch of school-children. So many beautiful sides to George, but if we had to choose one moniker by which he will be remembered, it’s this one: George the Friend: George was the quintessential carer. He was the defender of the oppressed, and he abhorred injustice. Only a few weeks ago, while he was still in hospital, he heard a fellow patient hurling insults at a nurse who was doing her best in a very demanding and challenging ward. Alone, in pain and probably terrified in the knowledge of what was coming to him, George got out of bed and went over to the nurse and quietly said “I’m sorry this had to happen to you. You didn’t deserve it”. The nurse was so touched by George’s kindness she broke down in tears. And George would have hugged her if he could. So, George, today you take a little piece of our heart with you. But we take comfort, knowing that it is in safe hands.